eX-stream Steelhead Guide Service Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada


  • 2 pound trout(cleaned)
  • Place whole trout on a plate.
  • Pour one tablespoon of cooking oil over the fish.
  • Pour 3-4 tablespoons of good light soy sauce into a cup. Add one tablespoon of sugar into it and stir well.
  • Pour that soy sauce mixture over the fish.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of Chinese cooking wine or any white wine into the fish.
  • Prepare a wok with a big fire and a stand in it big enough to hold your plate. See that the water is boiling before placing fish on the stand. Cover it well and wait for about 10 - 12 minutes . Do not allow a 2 lb fish to be in the wok for more then that duration of time.
  • After that remove fish from the wok and add pepper and sesame oil, go easy on the sesame oil as just a few drops will do.
  • Remove the skin and use a spoon to scoop the sauce over the fish a few times just to mix the sauce well. You can put some freshly chopped spring onions on top of it if you like. That will add some nice colour to the dish. And it's ready to serve.

Thanks to Sean Mah of Singapore for this recipe.

Thanks also to Alan Tham of Singapore for the following addition to Sean's recipe:

Cut slits on both flanks of the trout. Rub down with salt. Leave to stand for 10 minutes. The salt improves the meat texture. You'd want it to flake, and not break. Wash and pat dry with tissue.

Sean suggested pouring the Chinese cooking wine over the fish. I'll fine tune it by recommending that you rub it well into the slits, over the whole fish and let it stand, while you prepare the "gravy" made from the light soy sauce, oil, and sugar.

To garnish, also add Chinese celery. Besides steaming in a wok, I have aluminum foil wrapped fish prepared that way, and baked them in embers. All juices will be retained, done this way. And when you unwrap the foil, mama mia!

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